Which mind is in Control the Conscious or Subconscious?
– Lawrence I. Miller
If life were up to our conscious minds, we would certainly have EVERYTHING we want. But do you? Most of us don’t. The reason is simple: the conscious mind is not as in control as most of us would like to believe. I will explain how we can take back control of our life.
The conscious mind is good at reading, writing, arithmetic…and daily life. It is our conscious mind that identifies our daily wants and needs and arranges for us to have those wants and needs fulfilled. It is the conscious mind that becomes frustrated when, having identified those needs; it is then not able to fulfill those needs. You may identify this as self-sabotage, inability to have what you want, addictions, unreasonable fears, doubts and etc.
It is actually the subconscious mind that runs the show and it does it from backstage! As children we make interpretations and decisions about events that take place in our lives. The subconscious stores these interpretations and decisions as protections mechanisms and beliefs. Although these protection mechanisms and beliefs were originally intended to protect us from childhood circumstances, they stay with us into adulthood.
Although the subconscious is wide open in children, observing events and storing decisions and interpretations about how life is, it is increasingly less accessible as we mature. By the time we are adults, the doorway to the subconscious is closed. Meanwhile, the subconscious is still directing the show, never suspecting that we are no longer children in need of those protection mechanisms. It continues running those protections and beliefs to keep us from getting hurt.
As adults, these protection mechanisms and beliefs become unwanted behaviors, blocks conflicts, and liabilities. The conscious mind may know that something is wrong, but has no idea of the source of the problem, since there is no direct communication between the conscious and the subconscious minds. The conscious mind then gets busy, focusing on external circumstances, trying to rearrange things in and effort to fulfill its perceived needs and desires. This is where frustration and disappointment comes in. The conscious mind is out of control; and it knows it.
So, while your conscious mind may not remember, for example, you were mentally abused by a parent screaming at you constantly as a kid, your subconscious remembers it and may have programmed in a protection mechanism to create shyness of some other unwanted behavior. Your conscious mind can struggle forever to over-come the shyness or some other unwanted behavior in your real world but it will lose as long as that protection is stored in the subconscious mind. The best you can hope for is to have your conscious mind force yourself to be somewhat assertive in trying to get what you want. Your life is out conscious control. As long as you are trying to figure out what the problem is you will never solve it.